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Who knew that having a child would change everything? As I sit in my living room writing this post I am 11 weeks in to the adventure of a life time (cliche alert), and even in these early weeks of parenting I have worked out everything has changed! All of life’s activities must now fit in with the four hour feed cycle, every time you go to change a nappy you need to pray to the gods that you will not get sprayed in the face , and sleep patterns no longer revolve around when you are tired but when the little mans tired!

Although credit where credit due the bambino (a ‘Friday night dinner’ reference) has made the adjustment as easy as possible! He has slept through the he night from about 8 weeks old, only cries when he is hungry or in need of a nappy change, and is an all round smiler! Whilst I would love to sit here and claim to have mastered parenting I can’t help but feel those plastic dolls they give to teenagers are more challenging than my boy!

Anyway I digress, the purpose of this blog … Travelling with a bambino! Over the last 9 years myself and my wife have been fortunate enough to have travelled near and far, and whilst we were well aware that some thins must change when you have a baby we were adamant that some things wouldn’t change! This blog aims to document the trials and tribulations of travelling with a little one both near and far!